Around 2,000 years ago, the five cereals were namely rice, broomcorn millet, millet, wheat, and beans. But today, the three grains that rank top in terms of their production volumes are rice, wheat and corn. 大约两千年前,五谷的排序为稻、黍、稷、麦、菽,而今天,中国粮食产量的前三名已经变成稻谷、小麦和玉米。
Effects of Fertilizing in Immature Soil to Broomcorn Millet Root Growing and Its Physiological Ecology 生土施肥对黍子根系生长及生理生态效应的影响
Studies on the Nutrient Quality of Variety Resources of Broomcorn Millet and Proso Millet in China 中国黍稷品种资源营养品质研究
The Biological Response of Broomcorn Millet Root to Drought Stress with Different Fertilization Levels 不同施肥水平下黍子根系对干旱胁迫的反应
The Microsporogenesis and Pollen Development in Broomcorn Millet 糜子的小孢子发生与花粉发育
On the basis of a general survey of the varieties, collet and col-late the germplasm resources of broomcorn millet in this region; 在品种普查基础上,对宁南山区的糜子品种资源进行一次收集整理工作;
The investigation of fungus contamination in rice, millet, broomcorn millet, black rice, glutinous rice, sago, Thailand rice, adlay, barley seed, red bean, mung bean, soybean and corn residue in Tianjin supermarket. 对天津市售大米、小米、黄米、黑米、江米、西米、泰国香米、大薏仁米、大麦仁、红豆、绿豆、大豆和玉米渣等13种市售谷物进行真菌污染调查。
A Report on the Breeding of "Hebei Broomcorn Millet No.1" 冀黍一号黍子新品种选育报告
A Study on Embryonic Development of Broomcorn Millet 关于糜胚胎发育的研究
Similar law is not seen among the broomcorn millet. 类似的规律在黍样品的同位素值中没有反映。
Comprehensive consideration of crop production and economic income, we choose potato as the first crops of the mining subsidence land reclamation, better than black soybean and broomcorn millet. 综合沉陷对作物产量的影响和相同投入下的经济收入可得:马铃薯为该沉陷区农作物种植的首选作物,其次是黑豆和黍子。
Traditional crops, such as broomcorn millet, millet, grain, sorghum, etc. were widely grown, while wheat crops were in small proportion and winter wheat was few. 黍、稷、粟、粱等传统作物普遍种植,麦类作物种植比例不高,很少种宿麦。